M A N I F E S T A 4


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Tobias Putrih

++++ I’m learning how to make an object and that is hard work for me, because in most of the cases I feel much better if the object doesn’t exist. (Tobias Putrih)

++++ In his various projects, relational spaces, precarious structures and damaged or blocked constructions, Tobias Putrih (Born 1972 in Slovenia) works on the distortion of perception and its effects, and on the sensations of viewers and the factors determining their behaviour. Interested in the relations between the interiority and exteriority of the social and cultural space, his production of protospaces (those of cinemas or art galleries for example), refers to earlier Utopias and to figures marked by an idealist conception of art, to other experiments and revolutionary projects (the Bauhaus, Chris Marker, Robert Smithson…). Working on the vestiges and dead-ends of this history, on its subversive and critical ideologies, Putrih questions the notion of perfection, of resolution and the model, as well as the fictional totality of the spaces that he occupies. His cinema maquettes are objects that it is impossible to build or move through. They are modernist, deconstructive theatres. (Stéphanie Moisdon Trembley)

Deconstructed Cinema - model,2000/01.Installation view

Venue: Frankensteiner Hof /

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supported by //
       [Stadt Frankfurt am Main]    [Allianz Kulturstiftung]    [Messe Frankfurt]