M A N I F E S T A 4


PROJECT / EVENTS / TODAY / INFORMATION / FORUM / PRESS                      \\deutsch



Davide Grassi

++++ DAVIDE GRASSI, President of the Management Board

++++ IGOR STROMAJER, Chairman of the Supervisory Council

++++ board@problemarket.com

++++ ‘A problem is a challenge wrongly considered’, GK Chesterton (1874-1936)

++++ Problemarket.com is a joint-stock company, responsible for organising and managing the Free Market for Problems and the International Problem Stock Exchange.

++++ The company’s primary objective is to ensure the development of managed markets, maximising their liquidity, transparency and competitiveness while at the same time pursuing high levels of efficiency and profitability.

++++ Problemarket.com was formally created at the beginning of 2000 and has been operational since 16 November 2001.

Artists seem to be the last ones to believe that art is incapable of solving problems. Thus some artists are constantly drawn to complex problems and issues in society. They create reflections, attract attention and provide various perspectives and measuring scales for social problems. The exposure is the medium.

Gintaras Makarevicius, HOT, 12’, 1999. colour, sound
Davide Grassi, PROBLEMARKET.COM, 12’20", 2002. colour, sound
Erzen Shkololli, HEY YOU..., 4’31", 2002. colour sound

Screen shot

Website: www.problemarket.com/aboutus.html

Venue: Frankensteiner Hof / hr Fernsehen / Städelsches Kunstinstitut /

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       [Stadt Frankfurt am Main]    [Allianz Kulturstiftung]    [Messe Frankfurt]